halloween 2009 (the stash is fake..thank GOD)
I am in love with my husband. Shocking i know. Some women would be shocked by that statement, and that is a shame.
Today I've been married for 11 years. I am one of those girls that loves the movie when the guy fights for the girl the guy that loves the girl and etc..etc.. (kinda like edward and bella true love blah blah blah)
anyway, I am not sure I felt or thought that I had that when I was first married. I had a crappy past, and a lot of bags to deal with. I looked at my husband one day a few years back and I got smacked not by him by that wow, knock your socks off kinda love. I was like wow, he
IS my guy, my true love my happy ending. I am thankfull for our trials and the fact that I can honestly say I am happily married. We don't fight often, rarely in fact. He does not mind my shopping addiction, and I don't mind his. We'll don't tell him that. He has his hobby I have mine and it's all good.
Thanks honey for a wild 11 years here's to another 100. I love you!